
Mystery Shopping Agency in Italy

We see with the eyes of our clients, we live their Customer Experience, we test the level of the service offered first-hand

Talk to us and discover our services!

The Mystery Shopping service

In the Mystery Shopping Programme, trained and experienced professionals pretend to be “real” customers (Mystery Shopper/Client) to observe and then report in an unbiased and objective manner aspects related to the carrying out of activities with chains and/or service or product retailers.

The Mystery Shopping Programme is one of the most effective methodologies for the evaluation and monitoring of the service offered by the staff in charge and an essential tool for assessing qualitative standards.

The Mystery Shopping Programmes allow companies to become aware of what a customer accessing a service or buying a product actually lives and experiences (User/ Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, etc.). Furthermore, they enable them to identify the actions to take to achieve their targets or company standards and measure their effects and results accordingly.

Today the Mystery Shopping Programmes are more and more a strategic leverage for companies that want to compete successfully in their market and secure the trust and loyalty of their customers


Mystery Visit & Mystery Call

In Mystery Visits, the Mystery Shopper physically visits a store or retail establishment to evaluate all the aspects of the shopping experience or service use. Depending on the survey’s objectives they can range from aspects of merchandise display, lighting and cleanliness of spaces, depth of range and stock out, helpfulness and professionalism of the staff in charge, etc. The visit may be observation-only or imply that the Mystery Shopper has specific tasks, such as request of information, of specific products, or even purchase and return.

In Mystery Calls, the incognito survey is conducted by phone. Indeed, the Mystery Client may pretend to be user of a service or buyer of a product and evaluate the telephone services offered by companies, such as Customer Care, Post-sale, Information Service, Complaint Service, etc. Even in this case, the Mystery shopper may be required to fulfil specific tasks or adhere to different simulation scenarios.



The Audit is an evaluation characterised by being systemic, independent, structured and documented. It is a tool aimed at collecting evidence related to a specific object and assessing objectively whether the set criteria or requirements (corporate and/or regulatory) have been met and to what extent. The Audit allows to highlight the gaps with respect to the set standards and identify in a focused and efficient manner the compensatory or corrective actions to be taken.


Store Check

The Store Check is carried out through targeted visits to chosen and selected shops with the aim of monitoring, evaluating and analysing – qualitatively and quantitatively – aspects and management methods of shops, departments and chains. The survey – which may take place in owned or competitor shops – may concern assortment/out of stock/stock, prices, display spaces, promotions and discounts, marketing signage (POP material, leaflets, folders) or safety regulations, etc.

The Store Check provides the information needed to define new merchandising plans, strategies and commercial actions to be implemented to ensure competitiveness in the market.